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The Bottom Left Pane

At 'The Bottom Left Pane,' we envision a platform where the hidden narratives, the personal triumphs, and the transformative moments are not only acknowledged but celebrated.

Latest Episodes

What we Discuss


Hidden Narratives

Human Experience

Impact of Passion


About Host

Hello, I'm Luis Gomez, the creator and host behind 'The Bottom Left Pane.' Let me take you on a journey through the intricacies of my own story and how it intertwines with the vision behind this podcast.

Born and raised in the vibrant city of Anaheim, California, my life’s journey has been a dance of transitions. From the sun-soaked streets of Anaheim to the bustling landscapes of Dallas, Texas, and now finding my rhythm in the dynamic energy of New York City, each chapter has added a unique beat to the soundtrack of my life.

In my formative years, I found solace and expression in the world of dance. High school and college were the stages where I honed my skills, letting the music guide my movements. However, when the world was put on pause by the lockdowns enforced by the pandemic, I found myself at a crossroads. It was in this moment of stillness that I decided to pivot, turning my passion for coding into a full-fledged career. Today, I stand as a successful software developer, navigating the digital realms with the same fervor that once fueled my dance.

The inception of ‘The Bottom Left Pane’ stems from a deep belief in the power of storytelling. As I moved through various landscapes, I encountered countless narratives—each one a testament to the resilience, courage, and authenticity within us all. The lockdowns brought a unique stillness, a moment for introspection, and it was during this time that the idea for the podcast crystallized.

I wanted to create a platform where these stories, often hidden in the bottom left pane of the Johari Window, could be shared. I believe in the transformative nature of storytelling—how it connects us, inspires hope, and unveils the shared human experience. ‘The Bottom Left Pane’ is not just a podcast; it’s a space where authenticity is celebrated, and each episode is an opportunity for listeners to find echoes of their own stories in the narratives of others.

My curiosity about the human experience is insatiable. It’s a fascination with the intricate details that make each person’s journey unique. ‘The Bottom Left Pane’ is a manifestation of this curiosity, a canvas where I explore the nuances of stories that shape us, connect us, and remind us of the shared threads that weave through the tapestry of our lives.

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